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Do You Know What do Sheep Eat?

First things first, sheep are herbivores, which means they only eat plants. In the wild, sheep graze on grasses, shrubs, and other vegetation. But what about domesticated sheep? What do they eat?

Most domesticated sheep are fed a diet of hay, grain, and pasture grass. Hay is essentially dried grass or legumes, and it's a common source of nutrition for sheep during the winter months when there isn't as much fresh grass available. Grain, on the other hand, is a supplemental feed that provides extra energy and protein. Some common grains fed to sheep include corn, oats, and barley.

Pasture grass is the main source of nutrition for sheep during the growing season. Farmers will rotate their sheep between different pastures to ensure that the grass has time to regrow and stay healthy. The types of grasses that sheep eat vary depending on the region and climate. In cooler areas, sheep might graze on fescue or ryegrass, while in warmer areas, they might eat Bermuda grass or clover.

Aside from hay, grain, and pasture grass, sheep might also eat other types of forage, such as silage. Silage is essentially fermented plant material, and it's often made from corn or other crops that are chopped and stored in a silo. Silage is a great source of nutrition for sheep, especially during the winter months when fresh grass isn't available.

Now, you might be wondering if sheep can eat anything besides plants. While sheep are primarily herbivores, they can occasionally eat other things, such as fallen fruit or acorns. However, it's important to note that these foods should only be given in small amounts, as they can cause digestive problems for sheep.

In conclusion, sheep are herbivores that primarily eat hay, grain, and pasture grass. They might also eat other types of forage, such as silage, but their main source of nutrition comes from plant-based foods. So, the next time you see a fluffy sheep grazing in a field, you'll know exactly what they're munching on!"

Image Source : dengie.com

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